When I get a little money I buy books;and if any is left I buy food and clothes .


Atlas - Coldplay


From"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"Soundtrack


接下来发生的事更出人意料,每个人自发地举起左手中间的三根手指,把它们放在嘴唇上,接着又伸向我。这是十二区的手势,是我在竞技场向露露做最后告别时所用的手势。"(摘自《饥饿游戏2 星火燎原》这永远是我最喜欢的段落)

May the odds ever be in your favor .

Some saw the sun
Some saw the smoke
Some heard the gun
Some bent the bow
Sometimes the wire must tense for the note
Caught in the fire, say oh
We're about to explode

Carry your world, i'll carry your world
Carry your world, i'll carry your world

Some far away
Some search for gold
Some dragon to slay
Heaven we hope is just up the road
Show me the way, lord because I am about to explode

Carry your world, i'll carry your world
Carry your world, i'll carry your world

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