When I get a little money I buy books;and if any is left I buy food and clothes .


Oats In the Water - Ben Howard

"Oats In the Water" Ben Howard 

The Burgh Island 行尸走肉S0405


Hershel老爷子的Flag一直都很高,尤其在这一季里。准备好迎接他的死亡,却怎么也没想到是这么个死法。这首歌出现于第五集的片尾,他坐在床上为死去的人,为自己的无能无力而哭泣。第8集里,轮到我们了。Goodbye Hershel.

Go your way,
I'll take the long way 'round,
I'll find my own way down,
As I should.



Go your way,
I'll take the long way 'round,
I'll find my own way down,
As I should.

And hold your gates
As croak in the midas touch
A joke in the way that we rust,
And breathe again.

And you'll find loss
And you'll fear what you found
When weather comes
Tear him down

There'll be oats in the water
There'll be birds on the ground
There'll be things you never asked her
Oh how they tear at you now

Go your way,
I'll take the long way 'round,
I'll find my own way down,
As I should.

And hold your gates
As croak in the midas touch
A joke in the way that we rust,
And breathe again.

And you'll find loss
And you'll fear what you found
When weather comes
Tear him down

There'll be oats in the water
There'll be birds on the ground
There'll be things you never asked her
Oh how they tear at you now

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